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A Welcome from Mr. Slade

What is the best thing about the first day of school?  Let me count the ways.  From the parents’ and guardians’ perspective it is the return to in many cases a routine. While the freedom of summer is eagerly anticipated, it does run its course as the month of September approaches.  Kids need routine, but so do families.

While I can relate to that as a parent of many years, breathing a sigh of relief after dropping the kids off on the first day, as a teacher, the children are the ones we are most eager to see.

When the children return after three months, the majority we have not laid eyes upon, growth in that span is miraculous.  They are taller; they are more mature; and they are certainly ready for school.  We also welcome and embrace our new children. It is a new beginning, a chance to reinvent one’s self, an opportunity to set new goals — become more organized, be a better friend, appreciate differences, embrace that next developmental stage — but most importantly returning to school is a privilege and an obligation to put your best self forward. 

Personally I yearn for the joy and energy of children returning to our campus.  We are looking to share your child’s experience in a way we have not been able to for the past two and a half years.  We are embracing the chance to reconnect as a community, and involve families in that experience.  One of the hallmarks of a Montessori education is the ownership and subsequent pride of a child owning and designing their work.  We, and they, have not been able to share that unique educational experience.  Well, get ready because that will be a focus of this upcoming school year.  

Happy New Year.
Best, Whitney

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