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Sam Radin

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After graduating from UCLA, I moved to Miami where I am currently working in private equity real estate investment as an associate for Netrality Data Centers. One of my main goals in the next few years is to network more within my immediate and greater industry. Miami is rapidly growing and changing, so I am looking forward to meeting other professionals.

Riverbend took me on so many adventures like camping at Sargent Center and visiting the General Assembly Hall of the UN in New York City, but some of my favorite memories are playing on the playground at the end of the school day and standing under the portico waiting to be picked up by my parents. I’m not sure why this stuck with me so much … it makes me yearn for my days at Riverbend. Mr. Puleo and Mr. Wilkins would call out each students’ name without ever hesitating when seeing their car pull up because they knew the students and their families so well. I was usually the last one picked up, and I’d end up chatting with one of my teachers while I waited. I loved all of my teachers at Riverbend. I can confidently say that none of the teachers at my former public school ever had the same relationship with their students as Riverbend teachers had with me or my peers. It felt like family. 

I would tell current Riverbend students to always ask “why.” By asking “why?” I get a better appreciation for the goal that I’m trying to reach and have a better focus on the steps needed in order to reach said goal. The goal should not just be to get the right result, but to also have a solid understanding behind the work one is producing. Asking good questions is never a sign of incompetence, but rather a sign of deeper learning — something fundamental at Riverbend.