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K-8 Assembly

Presenters: Lower Elementary 2 with Mr. B and Ms. Mangan Eighth grade student leaders rotate leading the assembly.  Parents are invited!  There will be a casual coffee and connection hosted in the gym lobby between drop-off and the start of the assembly at 9am.

Riverbend GIVES

Riverbend GIVES  (Gather, Inspire, Volunteer, Engage and Support) is a day of community service.  It is an opportunity to teach our children how to actively care about their neighbors near and far. Each year, our community gathers to support local and national organizations that serve vulnerable humans and animals by devoting a morning to various […]

Anxious Generation Parent Book Discussion


Join us for a discussion of The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. This widely acclaimed 2024 book by Jonathan Haidt argues that the spread of smartphones, social media and overprotective parenting has led to a "rewiring" of childhood and a rise in mental illness. This will be […]

Open Classroom: Toddler

This is a wonderful opportunity to visit your child’s classroom. Let your child lead the experience - they will be excited to show you what they have been working on so far this year, and maybe even introduce you to new friends! Please park where available and walk through the front entrance to your child’s […]

Coffee and Conversation: Toddler

Topic: Toilet LearningJoin us as we talk about the hot topic of toilet learning.  We will share the signs of readiness, clothing to avoid, emotions involved and many other tips that will make this stage of your child’s development successful. 

Open Classroom: Primary & Pre-Primary

This is a wonderful opportunity to visit your child’s classroom. Let your child lead the experience - they will be excited to show you what they have been working on so far this year.Please park where available and walk through the front entrance to your child’s classroom. Teachers will be preparing the classroom for the […]

Coffee and Conversation: Primary & Pre-Primary

Topic: Global MaterialsCome learn how the Montessori Global Materials are used in the classroom to engage students.  These materials support cognitive development by promoting critical thinking and problem solving.  We will provide a demonstration on how many of these materials are used in succession.

K-8 Assembly

Eighth grade student leaders rotate leading the assembly.  Parents are invited!  There will be a casual coffee and connection hosted in the gym lobby between drop-off and the start of the assembly at 9am.