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Primary Open Classroom (1st years)

Families of first year primary students are invited into the classroom to start the day with their student

Primary Coffee and Conversation

Join us in the Children's House for conversation and refreshments with faculty and administration

Walk and Talk Wednesday

These tours are an excellent opportunity to be in classrooms while learning is happening all around you. See Montessori “in action” to best understand how lessons are presented, and how […]

Fall Festival

Fall Fest is a FREE school-wide event for all Riverbend families. Community-building events include fundraising student-run activity booths, a fundraiser bake sale, an alumni student lounge, fun crafts, activities, and […]

Montrose School– Brown Bag Lunch

Middle school students learn about the secondary school search process when representatives from a variety of schools visit Riverbend.  There are several visits scheduled so students are exposed to a […]